A Way to Restore the Nature

ISSN: 2457-0761

About Us

Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation (JBC) is an international Journal publishes quarterly by Ambika Prasad Research Foundation, Odisha, INDIA. It is a peer reviewed Journal aiming to communicate high quality research works, review work, short communications, case report, letter to editor, data, scientific methods etc. that contribute significantly to further scientific knowledge related to biodiversity and conservation. All articles published in JBC represent the opinion and research of the authors and not reflect the official policy of Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation & Ambika Prasad Research Foundation. All manuscripts are subjected to blind peer review.

Abbreviation key : J. biodivers. conserv.

Variant title : JBC

Current issue (Volume 9 Issue 1)

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JBC does blind peer review for all manuscript.

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